A Hatha yoga asana class geared towards balancing inward and outward energy, tapping into the internal landscape, and cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness and inner steadiness can be a grounding and transformational experience. Christiane of RootedHeart has been guiding yoga classes in the Flathead Valley of Montana since 2011 after receiving at YTT 200 hour certificate from Ananda Seva Mission. Classes offer a chance to practice and grow into deeper poses while being aware of our edges, grace, and humility. The moon, seasons, and lessons of nature are often attuned to and each student is given the support they need for their unique comfort levels. Christiane is able to lead gentle, beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes as well as Yoga Nidra and Yin infused sessions. Each class is mindfully crafted from a RootedHeart to yours.

Current schedule:

Thursday nights, Vinyasa Yoga, 5:30-6:30pm at The Wave, Whitefish

Feel free to contact Christiane for more information or to schedule a private session.
